BOTSO in Veterans Day Parade – Greensboro


Important Item

BOTSO in Veterans Day Parade – Greensboro

Teaching our young Black males to honor the sacrifice that our ancestors have paid on the battlefields of this country and foreign soil is vitally important. Why do I say that? I feel that if our young men knew what true combat looked like they would not be killing each other at the rate we presently see all over this great country of ours. In our BOTSO program our young men learn about Crispus Attucks and we not only look at but dissect the importance of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry. They learn the fact that the Union was losing the war until Frederick Douglass talked President Lincoln into enlisting Black soldiers.

They also learn about our role in WWII with the Tuskegee Airman, the majority Black supply drivers in the European Corridor called “The Red Ball Express”. Blacks were not intelligent enough to navigate and operate tanks until First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt came to our defense and thus the birth of the 761st Tank Battalion better known as the “Black Panthers” whose motto was “Come Out Fighting”. You can read the story in the book “Eleanor Roosevelts Niggers” by David J. Williams. were The blood of our Black soldiers has been spilled in every war this country has fought from the Revolutionary War to Viet Nam over 154,000 Black Men and Women have paid the ultimate cost. I have not even begun to try to access the number wounded. I have not included the wars since Desert Storm because we are still looking at those results daily through PTSD. Just let me add as a caveat that the American flag that so many are raising a “stink” about disrespecting and so many not standing for was actually sewn by a Free Black girl named Grace Wisher that worked for Mary Pickersgill as a seamstress in Baltimore Maryland, however  Pickersgill was given credit for sewing it.

More Information:

(336) 455-2306

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Brothers Organized to Serve Others


110 Scott Ave, Suite 3, High Point, NC 27262

Greensboro: Sharpe Road Church of Christ

2400 Sharpe Road, Greensboro, NC 27406 

High Point: Washington Terrace Park Recreation

101 Gordon Street, High Point, NC

(336) 802-1839