B.O.T.S.O. Programs

BOTSO is dedicated to empowering male youth by exposing them to intensive programs of mentoring, academic advising, character-building education, arts, culture and discipline. At the core of BOTSO’s mission is directing young males lives to positive outcomes – so their future resembles not sheets of statistics but rather portfolios of success.

The “Five A’s”












  • I will always speak clearly and distinctly.
  • I will always look the person in the eyes to whom I am speaking.
  • I will refrain from the use of profanity at all times.
  • I will always answer adults yes sir and no sir.
  • I will always strive to do my best at any task assigned to me.


BOTSO provides male mentors to youths who seek to develop their personal values, ethics, and life-long learning initiatives. Our team of mentors creates activities and facilitates programs for the youth of our community. As an organizational family, the BOTSO mentors take seriously their responsibility to instill in these young men a sense of adventure and responsibility – principles that will serve them well as they reach beyond their current hopes – to their fullest potential.

Academic Advising

BOTSO introduces young men to “soul models,” who have walked parallel paths to their goals and who are committed to helping youths navigate the uncertain terrain of their personal journeys. Our objective is to help young men learn the strategies that ensure not mere survival but achievement and success – as evidenced by educational attainment, gainful employment, and positive community involvement.


Character Building

BOTSO unwavering attention is given to helping young men learning respect and responsibility to God, self, and community. It is a desire to teach skills needed for today and tomorrow.

Makeup of a Great Mentor

A good mentor reads, researches, listens and pulls from everyday life experiences of himself and others in his “world”.


Mentor Training

  • BOTSO has its own in house mentoring training
  • We have ongoing mentor training by outside professionals
  • BOTSO has monthly mentor meetings
  • All BOTSO mentors have a 9 – 12 month commitment
  • National Background checks performed on all mentors
  • WE NEED DEDICATED BLACK MALES FO 2 HOURS PER WEEK. There are 168 hours in the week Can you give just 2 to Save A Child

A good mentor reads, researches, listens and pulls from everyday life experiences of himself and others in his “world”. His antenna is constantly rotating to tune in to something or someone that can contribute to his growth and the growth of his mentees No matter what time it is, what day it is, what month it is or what the situation is. AS A MENTOR YOU MUST BE PERSISTENT and CONSISTENT. You cannot be like the weather and change from one day to the next. These young men deal with negative Black males everyday that are in and out of their lives. In order to make a difference in these young men’s lives you must have courage and maintain your composure.

A good mentor reads, researches, listens and pulls from everyday life experiences of himself and others in his “world”.

More Information:

(336) 802-1839

Program Testimonials

I have the utmost respect for Mr. Wall and Mr. Lenny...

BOTSO has truly been a blessing to my life in ways unimaginable. It has taught me valuable life lessons and tools for success in the future. I have the utmost respect for Mr. Wall and Mr. Lenny, including all the other mentors and counselors. Now that I am in college and looking back on my experience with BOTSO I can see the change that came from being in the program.

At a young age such as in middle school and high school, things like respect, accountability, and attitude weren’t shown in a positive light from me and others in the program. Some kids felt that doing the wrong things were easier than doing the right things. So by taking us to sporting events, museums, and interacting with successful individuals, they gave us a glimpse of what it is like to work hard and be successful by being positive and having a positive attitude. They also showed us what happens when you do the wrong the thing, and go down the wrong path in life.

We were granted the opportunity to visit a prison and talk to prisoners as well as speak with juvenile delinquent officers. BOTSO is a unique experience that teaches you to self-actualize, develops leaders, and steers you on the path of greatness. Also as long as the program continues to have outstanding influential mentors, BOTSO will continue to excel. I am a product of the program, I am currently studying Finance at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, I am a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., with a plan to go to graduate school so that I can start my career in investment banking.

Jordan Greene
BOTSO (2005 – 2009)
Junior University of North Carolina at Greensboro

I learned about being on a team and working together and the importance of community service, giving back...

My time with BOTSO in 2017 was a turning point in my life. I am very thankful for the program and the men that strive to mold young boys into respectful young men.

I learned a lot about black history that I did not know from school I also learned to show respect and to look someone in their eye when taking to them. I learned about being on a team and working together and the importance of community service, giving back.

Since being in BOTSO I focus and participate in class in a positive way and I also stay after school to do extra work to get ahead. I have applied to several colleges and I have receive acceptance letters as well. I have one from Livingstone College and I am confident others acceptance letters will follow.

Thank you Mr. Wall and all the men of BOTSO.

Zaire’ Ingram

Thank you for this awesome avenue to reach our young men...

…it brings tears to my eye every time I think of the difference BOTSO has made in my grandson’s life. Zaire is a much better young man because of the lessons he learned and the positive men of BOTSO helping him to get focused on his future and how to make a change for the better. I wish I had introduced him to the program when he was a little younger, but none the less, God had him there and he has a bright future ahead of him.

Thank you for this awesome avenue to reach our young men. God bless you and continue to strengthen the men who help with this God given program of BOTSO.


We got the chance to have support from male mentors that we didn't always get from our father...

My name is Robert L. Greene lll, and I am e-mailing to thank you for all you have done for me and my brothers. In BOTSO we got the chance to have support from male mentors that we didn’t always get from our father or stepfather. I enjoyed the trips we took , we saw some new things in a time that my family didn’t have a lot of money to do extra stuff. I greatly encourage parents to allow there young men to become mentored in this program. I am currently a Senior at North Carolina State University studying Civil Engineering with an internship at the Department of Transportation in Greensboro and I give credit to BOTSO for the time I was in.

Robert Greene
Greensboro BOTSO (2005 – 2008)
Senior North Carolina State University

Hank & the B.O.T.S.O. family showed me a new light...

I was afforded the opportunity to join B.O.T.S.O. as a youth and it was a perfect match at the perfect time. I was born to a single mother who gave birth to me at the age of 15 thus looking at the statistics, the odds were against me. For a woman, it is not easy raising a young man and given that I was at the age where a lot of my peers began experimenting with drugs, sex, joining gangs, and other distractions, Hank & the B.O.T.S.O. family showed me a new light. I was always involved in sports, which helped mold me as a person, but B.O.T.S.O. taught me the importance of giving back, having great character, and taking pride in what I do so that I give my best. I even use a lot of the same principles in my life today shown by me graduating magna cum laude with a degree in chemistry from NC A&T, excelling in collegiate athletics, in the workplace and even now as I’ve just been admitted into Pharmacy school. Without B.O.T.S.O., I could’ve ended up being another statistic, but I overcame all odds and turned into a productive citizen and role model for those who have come behind me. Thanks B.O.T.S.O. and keep changing the lives of our youth.

Dr. Steven J. Rush

Hank & the B.O.T.S.O. family showed me a new light...

I was afforded the opportunity to join B.O.T.S.O. as a youth and it was a perfect match at the perfect time. I was born to a single mother who gave birth to me at the age of 15 thus looking at the statistics, the odds were against me. For a woman, it is not easy raising a young man and given that I was at the age where a lot of my peers began experimenting with drugs, sex, joining gangs, and other distractions, Hank & the B.O.T.S.O. family showed me a new light. I was always involved in sports, which helped mold me as a person, but B.O.T.S.O. taught me the importance of giving back, having great character, and taking pride in what I do so that I give my best. I even use a lot of the same principles in my life today shown by me graduating magna cum laude with a degree in chemistry from NC A&T, excelling in collegiate athletics, in the workplace and even now as I’ve just been admitted into Pharmacy school. Without B.O.T.S.O., I could’ve ended up being another statistic, but I overcame all odds and turned into a productive citizen and role model for those who have come behind me. Thanks B.O.T.S.O. and keep changing the lives of our youth.

Dr. Steven J. Rush

Hank & the B.O.T.S.O. family showed me a new light...

Coming up in the BOTSO program was a blessing for me because I did not have many male figures involved in my life before I became a part of the organization. However, this organization made me a consistent, dependable, and respectful young man I am today. I am now in my last semester and college football career at South Carolina State University. People always ask me through interviews how is it that you’re so successful or they questioned my leadership skills? And my answer every time is by saying “the four A’s in the BOTSO Creed, attitude, actions, academics, and athletics. And with these four A’s you must utilize them like priorities and morals.

BOTSO also taught me to pay attention to the little details in life. For example, I know I’m a young man, but I’m desperately worried about the direction of our youth. Music is very influential whether people want to believe it or not. Specifically rap. Rap can be influential in a positive way, but mostly it is reflected in a negative manner. The most popular songs are supporting drugs, women, and cars that are severely outdated on meaningless combinations. Our youth today will go out of their way to try and live these lifestyles, but little do they know these rap lifestyles only lead to death or prison. Raps are a focal part in the African American culture, but instead of living the lyrics, embrace the music, listen, enjoy and let music be music. Our youth today need many organizations like BOTSO that can set positive and good examples of morals, integrity, initiative, desire, and class that our youth can look up to and know the difference between reality and fantasy.
Thank you

Derrick Wiley
Varsity Football Quarterback ( 4 years)
Senior / South Carolina State University

BOTSO is and was a vital resource for success among many individuals...

BOTSO has fostered individuals like myself to become a true representation of brotherhood and how to productively care about the communities which are in need of assistance. BOTSO has taught young men how to be men and live a life that is worthy and possess great value throughout the earth. When I look back on my life as a graduate student I’ve learned that BOTSO is and was a vital resource for success among many individuals. BOTSO prides themselves on brothers coming together and to foster and produce growth in every young man which is great.

Through many lessons at BOTSO I’ve learned that African American men are held to a higher standard and it is important that we achieve goals in which we set for ourselves because at that very moment we are removing ourselves from the epidemic and the statistic which have already been labeled. Community service is important although while in BOTSO I disliked doing community service projects once I came to college where it was required from there I understood the importance of caring for the community the same principle BOTSO taught all young men. I appreciate BOTSO for all the teachings which will constantly stay embedded in all individuals of our BOTSO family.

Jimmy Short
High Point BOTSO
North Carolina Central University Graduate Student

BOTSO taught me to value and respect people from all walks of life...

I was privy to learn in the early stages of BOTSO, that young men like myself that derived from stable environments could benefit as much as my peers that were less privileged. BOTSO taught me to value and respect people from all walks of life. Our then advisors reinforced the lessons of my parents and grandparents that education and hope had endless possibilities if I stuck with the blueprint of success. So with organizations like BOTSO and WIN-WIN the youth of the Triad will be afforded the same exposure to success that I was as a member of the 1st core class of BOTSO.

J.J. McQueen
Videographer & Editor Goal Line Media Productions

BOTSO is living proof of strength through true brotherhood...

Hank Wall and BOTSO have been the launch pad for my God-given gifts to help others like me. The courage that I’ve learned through BOTSO is living proof of strength through true brotherhood.

Fuse Green
Graphic Designer
Fuse Green, design/rhythm/invention, Brooklyn, NY

The results of them just being around positive mentors was immediately seen...

I have had 4 sons in the BOTSO program at the same time. The results of them just being around positive mentors was immediately seen by me in the change of attitude toward me. The tutoring by the AKA’s was a great help and their respect for others has grown tremendously. The field trips and cultural experiences just proved to me that the BOTSO program ranks among the top male mentoring programs in the nation as far as my sons and I are concerned.

Ms. Carolyn Chafin,
(January 2011) Greensboro NC

I have seen a great change in his attitude and conduct...

Mr. Wall in just the short period of time that Johnathan has been involved in the BOTSO program my husband and I have seen a great change in his attitude and conduct. This change has not only been seen at home but more importantly at school also. Thank you very much for whatever you guys are doing”.

Ms. Toni Reed
(January 2011)

Without any hesitation he said “I am going to BOTSO”...

My grandson has never shown this much interest in any program that we have ever tried to get him involved in. He had an opportunity to become a part of the “Upward Bound Program” at NCA&TSU which was being held every Tuesday night. We told Bobby since BOTSO was on Tuesday night the decision was his to make. Without any hesitation he said “I am going to BOTSO”. “Thank you for what you men are doing for our grandson”.

Ms. Mary Pinson
(January 2011)

I am so glad there is an organization like this for my son...

I just wanted to tell you thank, Malik is so excited about BOTSO. He even took his homework from Mr Steven to school today (so he could work on it during free time). I am so glad there is an organization like this for my son. Since he has been coming to BOTSO, his posture is better (physically and emotionally) and he is more respectful.

Angie Roberson
Assistant Coordinator UNCG Child Care Education Program

Contact Us

13 + 2 =

Brothers Organized to Serve Others


110 Scott Ave, Suite 3, High Point, NC 27262

Greensboro: Sharpe Road Church of Christ

2400 Sharpe Road, Greensboro, NC 27406 

High Point: Washington Terrace Park Recreation

101 Gordon Street, High Point, NC

(336) 802-1839